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Oil Drilling is

Fueling the Flames

of California’s Climate Crisis



Pollution choking the air in our neighborhoods.

Our kids playing under orange skies.

Forced evacuations.

Worrying about the safety of our loved ones.

Our experiences vary, but every single one of us in California has a story about how climate-driven wildfires affect us personally. Those stories are what we need to cut through the millions spent by the fossil fuel industry each year to kill climate action. 

Big Oil is fueling the flames of our climate crisis. Join the Big Oil Resistance to challenge the greedy companies driving climate destruction.

California is ground zero for climate change; deadly heat, extreme drought and devastating fires all threaten our health, our safety and our future. 

Extracting and burning fossil fuels caused this crisis, creating hotter and drier conditions that make California fires bigger and faster-moving

California’s oil is among the most climate-damaging in the world, while our communities are forced to breathe health-harming pollution from oil drilling and from the toxic smoke of deadly fires.

Big Oil has known for decades that their pollution was driving the climate crisis. It is time to hold greedy fossil fuel companies accountable for the havoc they have wrought.

Learn More — Watch Our Video

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Fast Facts

  • Since 1950, the area burned by California wildfires each year has been increasing due to climate change
  • In the last ten years, 1 of every 8 acres in California has burned–double the acres that burned during the previous decade.
  • In 2019, California’s crude oil produced more carbon per barrel than the notoriously dirty Canadian tar sands crude refined in the state.

Community Resilience Hub

It’s on Gov. Newsom to address the root cause of California’s climate crisis. But we also need to take care of ourselves, our families, and our communities. Here are a few resources to get your started.

Support communities impacted by the McKinney Fire:

For those in areas with high fire risk: 

To protect yourself from wildfire smoke:

In periods of extreme heat, a cooling center may be open near you:

Wildfires Factsheet from 350 Sacramento: